Wednesday, November 2, 2016

It's been a long couple days.  Yesterday I had several tests in F'ton, and today in Moncton so stayed the night in Fredericton last night, drove to Moncton today & then after I was done with Dr's we continued on to see Marks Mom on PEI.

The CT yesterday was challenging at best.  My veins don't like to play nice & it took 30-45 min for them to find a vein & find someone who could access it with a needle.  When we had the right man in place it went quickly & then of course the CT scan itself was quite quick.  After that & an X-ray I was done for the day  & grateful to be!

Today's test was to see if my heart is strong enough to face surgery.  There remains doubt about that & they would need another test to know for certain.  That said, nothing else test or treatment wise will  be decided until we've talked to the team in Ottawa.

The journey continues, and today has been a good day.  There was some difficult moments while waiting to see the specialist but once it was over the emotions lifted & I've had a great day travelling with hubbie (doing a fair bit of sleeping!) and now visiting with my MIL.

It is so good to be able to ENJOY life no matter the circumstances.  I am SO thankful for the prayers of each of you! I should now have two weeks at home without having to face Dr's or tests & I am intending to make the most of it!  I have missed my children greatly & am looking forward to time together as a family again.

For now I bid you adieu, sleep well my friends.  Love to you all!


  1. Praying for you, my friend!!! ((((HUGS))) and prayers!!!

  2. Yes big huge ((((Hugz )))
    Praying for you Always! And your family! Love you !

  3. My thoughts and prayer will be with you, Mark and your family through all of this. Keep the faith. God be with you.
