Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wow. What a whirl wind couple days!

Yesterday around noon we left for Moncton.  Because we had to make a few stops along the way AND because my legs don't allow me to travel very far at a time anyways, we got to moncton about 4:30.  It was a relief to get to our hotel room (a new hotel to us, and we loved it) and just relax and lay around for a bit.  After a while we got supper, and then settled in for more relaxation.  Thanks to all that is going on in my body, I had a bit of a rough evening.  I had started bleeding again, which of recent months has been accompanied by out of control emotions & anxiety.  Add that to the level of pain I had in numerous parts of my body & I think I did well to enjoy the evening! :) We watched the movie "Unstoppable" based on a true story, and I highly recommend it!!!

Morning came too early and we headed  off to the hospital.  Be there at 7:45 they said and so we were.  My number (63 lol) was finally called and I went to the desk.  Well. We had been misdirected and we needed to go to registration in emergency before we came here.  So off we went.  What did registration tell us? oh, this isn't where you need to be, go to the info desk and they'll guide you. No. THAT is where we had started and been wrongly guided.  So, he said "come with me" opened the big magnetic door and disappeared.  We waited where we stood until hearing his "hello?" from a room nearby.  He had found someone who knew what I needed and how to do it.  Back we went to our original place where we did NOT have to take a number of even wait.  This lovely young lady took my papers, input them into the computer and told me where to go next.  And then the adventure began -- starting with those lovely johnny shirts of course. :D  

The IV was started, and with so much ease it was incredible.  Seldom do needles & veins connect with that much ease and I was incredibly grateful and verbal about it too.  Then I some sort of something (informative aren't I) was injected into my IV.  Some sort of tracer.  Then I waited for 45 min for it to circulate my body andy then I was put into this big machine so that pictures could be taken. I fell asleep  :) THEN I was sent down to cardiology to await the stress test.  It wasn't a long wait and I was in there having my IV checked to make sure it was still working, and then being injected with this horrific radioactive dye whose intent was to stress my heart.  It felt awful.  First my arm, then my chest, then my abdominal area and then my legs got crazy heavy. I don't think I could have moved if I had wanted to.  I was perfectly content to lay there and pray!  It felt awful, tho not in the way I had anticipated.  After the alloted 4 min, they then injected some more tracer.  3 min later I was ready to be DONE and the dr came in and ejected the anecdote.  It was momentarily worse than the dye had been, I was sure I was going to vomit & my lips felt like I had kissed a cactus.  They assured me it would pass .. and beginning with the headache caused by the dye, it did ease up quite quickly.  The Dr  said what she had injected was the equivalent to the caffeine in 2 double late's and I decided I never wanted even one. LOL  

We got to go and eat at this point, with NO food restrictions.   I had been off anything with caffeine for 48 hrs) So we ate and I had some liquid caffeine. :D  then was more pictures in this incredibly cool gamma something ct scanner sort of machine.  Very cool. I had slept through the pictures the first time & did this time too. I was tired. :)

After that we met with  the cardiologist.  I was nervous. After all, if they HAD found something I STILL had to have the surgery, but would go in knowing my heart wasn't what it should be.  Thankfully, the only things found with my heart were some scars from the old heart attacks and some possible angina.  The old ticker is good to go for surgery.  We were done early, it was GREAT and home in time to bring kids some supper.  

I am so glad to be home. I feel like death warmed over, weak as a kitten and want to do nothing but lay in bed all evening.  Hubbie is at work and I miss him!!

So .... that's how today went.  We are finished jumping hoops and next up is the surgery.  I will be so thankful when the incessant bleeding is OVER.  I know knew issues could arise b ut we will deal with them as they come. If they come.  

and now.. it's time to get flat again.  I didn't want to leave y'all hanging too long. :) 

God has supplied our needs incredibly.  Our prayers now are for successful surgery and comfortable accommodations close to the hospital for Mark while I am in there.  I need & want him as close as he can possibly be!   I'd prefer with me ... but that's unlikely I bet. :)

Goodnight my friends, thank you so much or the prayers!!