Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Sometimes it's hard to know just where to begin.

There is more to say, but tonight I am exhausted and need to SLEEP.  

Friday last week I started bleeding again. Not heavily, and we decided that while it was little odd perhaps it was my bodies attempt at a normal period.  This went on until Monday evening when things amped up.  It got heavy.  It got bad.  But Im always able to get through a few days before I need medical intervention and so we went to bed.

I work up at 2 am, I felt so awful, but it wasn't my normal low hemoglobin sort of awful.  By the time he woke up I was no longer responding to him & so off we went to the hospital.  I don't know why I went quite unresponsive, my hemoglobin was low and yet not as low as other times.  That may forever be a mystery.  Another 9 hrs & 2 units of blood and I was back home.  

4 transfusion in 5 months.  I cry out "uncle"  I have an appointment with my dr to discuss endometrial ablation, whether it's an option still etc.  I will not be given up my tea nor will I stop being treated in Ottawa any time soon but I am potentially adding some more traditional treatment to my regime.  

I hope one day, soon, I will have more energy to tell you oh so much more.  For now, I have to say THANK you for the prayers, the love, the support.