Friday, November 18, 2016

It was a rough night, my body does nothing halfway (or even just whole way!) and acupuncture is no exception.  I was in bad shape for a good chunk of today & I struggled to hold on to HOPE & to the FAITH I have that God does everything for a purpose.  I reached out for prayer and OH how it helped.  Things are physically a tiny bit better ( I THINK, hard to be sure)  & emotionally /Spiritually a whole LOT better.  Once again I have that peace that passes understanding.   I would so appreciate your prayers that this will continue for me!!!

I also must hold on to hope that I can get back here soon for the continuation of this treatment. It looks impossible, like I would need a miracle .. (and I DO!) but .. you know what? I have a God who is in the business of those very miracles!

it's too late & I need to be in bed but I also needed to work through this struggle of faith before I laid down to sleep.  thank you all for your prayers & support.  Please share my blog freely, and if you are so inclined please also share my GoFundMe page.  I would love to see that rise & allow us to come back for treatment sooner rather than later! 

Goodnight my friends,
God bless you all!!!


  1. Praying for you in all those ways...a restful sleep, physical healing and the ability to travel home on Sunday without incident, and the funds for you to go back right away to continue the treatments. May the Lord richly grant our request for His glory...and we praise His name because He is worthy.
