Tuesday, November 15, 2016

As I race around the house getting ready to leave bright & early tomorrow I can't help but wonder .... where did those 13 days go?  I remember sitting here & talking about how I had 13 days with only one Dr's appointment & then foolishly said I likely wouldn't be blogging. Well, we see how THAT went ...  :D

Today is the last day to get ready.  Tomorrow morning needs to hold last minute things ONLY ... like getting my pillow & diffuser to the van.   Now, most of the things I am crazy busy doing today couldn't be done earlier.  Well, not conveniently.  I guess I COULD have packed my clothes and lived in things I'm not taking but somehow that just didn't seem like it would work for me.  And so, today, I have lots to do.    My question is .... how often do we not prepare ahead of time like we should? I'm not talking about taking a trip anymore though. I'm talking about spiritually.  I can't imagine where I would be if I hadn't spent the last few years learning about how God has a purpose in EVERYTHING.  If I hadn't learned to take my thoughts captive & make them obedient to Christ. Imagine if I hadn't laid down FEAR at the altar .. where would I be?  I'd be a mess.  An anxious, unable to cope with anything, emotional MESS.  I'd be wishing I could have the peace that passes understanding, &  hopefully I would be working hard to get there  but oh it's so much easier to already HAVE it when this sort of challenge strikes.  God has been preparing me for "such a time as this" and I am ever so THANKFUL that I listened, obeyed, and grew so much in my Christian faith.  

This makes me think of a song/scene from a kids movie.  A silly one perhaps but it does have a message.

Are we prepared?  When life throws us off the end of a horrifying roller coaster ... are we prepared? Will we be able to quickly access the tools we need (trust, Peace, faith etc) like the goat had his propeller horns,  and allow God to be completely in control of what can feel like a free fall?   It's an incredible way to live folks, & I am EVER so THANKfull for the people that God brought into my life to teach me & disciple me in such a manner that I WAS prepared!!!! 

I'm not, however, prepared for this trip tomorrow & so I must get moving.  My heart is prepared, but my body is not. :)

I really look forward to hearing from some of you. I believe God is using His work in me to reach out & encourage others.  I would LOVE to hear those stories from you!!!  I always welcome email at glenda.leigh@gmail.com !!

Have a good day ... and make sure you're working on being PREPARED!!!

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