Saturday, February 18, 2017

The appointment with the surgeon went well.  He was much kinder this time and that helped a LOT.  We're a go ahead to surgery as far as he is concerned - depending on what happens Monday with the cardiologist.  Papers are signed, they will be doing a full hysterectomy which could lead to some "fun" times - full menopause.  It would be bad, it could be simple, there's no way of knowing at this time.

I will be glad to have Monday & the cardiologist appointment over! I'm hoping he can do all the testing needed on that day & we won't have to make yet another trip to Moncton before surgery.

Please keep praying about finances for us folks.  GoFundMe has proved to be not much help at all this far, as we can't manage to access the money that is there!!! So frustrating.  Between travel, paying for treatment, & the time Mark has had to take off it's been tight.  Oh, how I hope that when this is over we can move quickly back to normal!!

I have had some energy today and for that I am oh so thankful.

Until next time my friends ....

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you Always!
    I have been thru this,want to chat
